If you are able to plan ahead and don't foresee any last minute changes in your travel itinerary, booking early with GranCanariaBoatTrips.co.uk will save you money.
We offer a
30,60 and 90 day in advance booking discount.
Up to 10 or 15 percent off the normal price.
If you know what trip you would like to do, and you want the comfort of a confirmed trip well in advance,
then the
Advanced Booking discount will benefit you.
Also by booking early, you reduce your chance of finding a trip sold out when your travel dates approach.
This benefits you during peak times (almost whole year here), when the trips fill up early.
Booking Advance Discounts
You do not need to do anything special to obtain this discount when you are booking our system will apply the discount
in function of the date that you are booking the trip for.